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Welcome to the "Protected by Purpose" podcast! Over the past year, I have been touring the country promoting my book and sharing my journey of overcoming significant odds to achieve success. 

I learned that the simple gift of sharing my story has inspired others to open their hearts to new possibilities. Of the people I have met along the way, I've seen both the heartache and courageousness within the souls who've been touched by my story. This has provided me with an overwhelming and immeasurable sense of meaning and purpose.

This podcast is designed to highlight the stories of others who've shown resiliency, faith, and strength despite having the odds stacked against them. It's my way of giving back on a larger scale.     

If you are encouraged by these stories, please spread the word and be sure to subscribe to my mailing list at www.dorindawalker.com


May 8, 2019

Dorinda Walker interviews Tray Kearney, Certified Life and Relationship Coach who shares how she had to confront her role in the dysfunction and infidelity in her life that brought her to her breaking point. She shares what she did to improve her mental health and repair broken relationships; and how she has turned that trial into a healing that has inspired her to dedicate a career to helping others who find themselves in a similar situation.